
研究兴趣 (1) 绿色高分子/CO2溶液体系的构建机制及应用; (2) 超临界流体发泡聚合物工程化基础研究
代表性项目 (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21676081,碳氢表面活性剂的设计、合成及其构建水/CO2微乳液的作用机理,2017/01-2020/12,65万元,在研,主持 (2) 科技部国家重点研发计划课题,2016YFB0302204,间歇发泡过程及其发泡材料成型的关键技术,2016/07-2020/12,700万元,在研,主持 (3) 非氟CO2增稠剂的设计、合成及作用机理(21376087),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014.1-2017.12; (4) 等规聚丁烯-1中CO2的扩散与诱导晶型转变的耦合作用(20976046),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2009.1-2012.12; (5) 聚丙烯超临界固态微孔发泡机理研究(50703011),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2007.1-2009.12
代表性著作 (1) Li Wen, Liwen Wang, Shuyi Fang, Lei Bao, Dongdong Hu, Yuan Zong, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*, Stabilization of CO2-in-water emulsions with high internal phase volume using PVAc-b-PVP and PVP-b-PVAc-b-PVP as emulsifying agents. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46351. (2) Liwen Wang, Yongjia Liu, Lei Bao, Dongdong Hu, Yuan Zong, Gangsheng Tong, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*, Preparation of acrylamide-based poly-HIPEs with enhanced mechanical strength using PVDBM-b-PEG-emulsified CO2-in-water emulsions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46346. (3) Lei Bao, Shuyi Fang, Dongdong Hu, Yuan Zong, Ling Zhao, Weikang Yuan, Tao Liu*, Stabilization of CO2-in-water emulsions by nonfluorinated surfactants with enhanced CO2-philic tails. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 133, 163-170. (4) Chen Wan, Yiquan Lu, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao, and Weikang Yuan, Foaming of Low Density Polyethylene with Carbon Dioxide Based on Its in Situ Crystallization Behavior Characterized by High-Pressure Rheometer. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 10702−10710. (5) Lei Bao, Shuyi Fang, Dongdong Hu, Ling Zhao, Weikang Yuan, Tao Liu*, Enhancement of the CO2-philicity of poly(vinyl ester)s by end-group modification with branched chains. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2017, 127, 129-136. (6) Chen Wan, Gangwei Sun, Tao Liu∗, Mohamed Esseghirc∗, Ling Zhao, Weikang Yuan, Rheological properties of HDPE and LDPE at the low-frequency range under supercritical CO2. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2017, 123, 67-75. (7) Menglong Xu, Haichao Yan, Quanjin He, Chen Wan, Tao Liu∗, Ling Zhao, Chul B. Park∗, Chain extension of polyamide 6 using multifunctional chain extenders and reactive extrusion for melt foaming, European Polymer Journal, 2017, 96, 210-220. (8) Dongdong Hu, Shaojun Sun, Peiqing Yuan, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*. Exploration of CO2 Philicity of Poly(vinyl acetate-co-alkyl vinyl ether) through Molecular Modeling and Dissolution Behavior Measurement, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015, 119(38), 12490-12501. (9) Dongdong Hu, Shaojun Sun, Peiqing Yuan, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*. Evaluation of CO2-Philicity of Poly(vinyl acetate) and Poly(vinyl acetate-alt-maleate) Copolymers through Molecular Modeling and Dissolution Behavior Measurement, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015, 119(7), 3194-3204. (10) Haichao Yan, Haitao Yuan, Feng Gao, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*. Modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) by combination of reactive extrusion and followed solid-state polycondensation for melt foaming, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(43-44), 42708-42718. (11) Dongdong Hu, Jie Chen, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*, Melting and non-isothermal crystallization behaviors of polypropylene and polypropylene/montmorillonite nanocomposites under pressurized carbon dioxide, Thermochimica Acta, 2015, 617, 65-75. (12) Dongdong Hu, Jie Chen, Shaojun Sun, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao. Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in Isotactic Polypropylene/Nanomontmorillonite Composites in Melt and Solid States, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(7), 2673-2683. (13) Shaojun Sun, Dongdong Hu, Jie Chen, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao. Effects of carbon nanofiber on the dissolution and diffusion of CO2 in polypropylene nanocomposites, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2014, 94, 252-260 (14) Dachao Li, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao*, WeikangYuan. Controlling sandwich-structure of PET microcellular foams using coupling of CO2 diffusion and induced crystallization, AICHE Journal, 2012, 58(8): 2512-2523. (15) Lei Li, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao*, Wei-Kang Yuan,CO2-Induced Phase Transition of Isotactic Poly-1-butene with Form III upon Heating, Macromolecules, 2011, 44(12), 4836-4844. (16) D.C. Li, T. Liu*, L. Zhao*, X.S. Lian, W.K. Yuan. Foaming of Poly(lactic acid) Based on Its Nonisothermal Crystallization Behavior under Compressed Carbon Dioxide, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(4): 1997-2007.
网页发布时间: 2018-12-13