
赵玲 教授,博导。针对工业反应过程和超临界流体协助的聚合反应与聚合物加工过程,开展了多相反应与传递过程的应用基础和工程应用研究。近年来主要负责了国家重点研发项目、973子课题、863项目、国家支撑计划子课题、NSFC项目、上海市科技攻关项目等国家和省部级项目十多项,以及包括中石化十条龙重大攻关项目在内的企业合作项目20多项。已在国内外期刊发表论文200余篇,获授权中国发明专利20余项。
教育与工作经历 于1990、1993、1999年先后获得华东理工大学化学工程专业工学学士、硕士和博士学位。曾获英国皇家学会王宽诚基金到英国伯明翰大学化工系做博士后。
学术荣誉/学术兼职 国家重点研发计划项目“聚合物材料的轻量化技术” 负责人。 获授权中国发明专利20余项;曾获国家科技进步二等奖1项、上海市技术发明一等奖1项和其他省部级科技进步一等奖3次,以及中国优秀专利奖、2016年度中国产学研合作创新奖、第九届“侯德榜化工科学技术奖-创新奖”等。担任中国化工学会混合和搅拌专业委员会副主任;上海市化学化工学会理事&化学工程专业委员会主任,同时担任Journal of Cellular Plastics、过程工程学报、石油化工、化学反应工程与工艺、华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)、现代化工等国内外期刊编委。
研究兴趣 多相反应与传递 工业反应过程开发
包括反应动力学;反应器流场结构调控;工业反应过程建模与模拟;反应过程优化与强化等 超临界流体协助的聚合反应及聚合物加工
包括超临界CO2与聚合物的相互作用; 超临界流体协助的聚合物接枝改性;超临界流体协助的缩聚反应;超临界流体发泡热塑性和热固性聚合物技术
主要在研项目 国家重点研发计划项目,2016YFB0302200,聚合物材料的轻量化技术,2016/07-2020/12, 3100万元,在研,主持; 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21676092,超临界CO2发泡制备硬质聚氨酯微孔材料过程中聚合反应与气泡成核和生长的协调机制,2017/01-2020/12,75万元,在研,主持; 中石化股份有限公司重点项目,高附加值系列聚酯专用料关键技术与产品开发,2017/06-2019/12,100万元,在研,主持; 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2016YFB0302702,已内酰胺环状低聚物形成和控制机理,2016/07-2020/12, 100万元,在研,主持; 上海领军人才计划项目,多相反应与传递,2016/01-2018/12,25万元,在研,主持;
代表性著作 Ling Zhao,Tian Xia,Zhenhao Xi,Tao Liu,Chapter 3 in POLYMERIC FOAMS: Innovations in Processes, Technologies, and Products,CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,2016.8 J Lyu, T Liu, Z Xi, L zhao*. Effect of pre-curing process on epoxy resin foaming using carbon dioxide as blowing agent. Journal of Cellular Plastics. 2017, 53(2): 181-197. Tian Xia, Zhenhao Xi, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*. Solid state foaming of poly(ethylene terephthalate) based on periodical CO2-renewing sorption process, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2017, 168: 124-136. Zheng, W.; Wang, H.; Xie, W.; Zhao, L.; Sun, W., Understanding Interfacial Behaviors of Isobutane Alkylation with C4 Olefin Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid or Ionic Liquids. AICHE Journal 2017. Sun, Weizhen,Shao Jianqiang,Xi Zhenhao,Zhao Ling*,Thermodynamics and kinetics of transesterification reactions to produce diphenyl carbonate from dimethyl carbonate catalyzed by tetrabutyl titanate and dibutyltin oxide. Can. J. Chem. Eng.,2017, 95(2): 353-358. Weizhong Zheng , Xiaolei Hao, Ling Zhao Weizhen Sun*. Controllable Preparation of Nanoscale Metal–Organic Frameworks by Ionic Liquid Microemulsions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017. 56(20): 5899-5905 Weizhong Zheng , Wenxiu Xie, Ling Zhao Weizhen Sun*. Modeling of the interfacial behaviors for the isobutane alkylation with C4 olefin using ionic liquid as catalyst. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2017, 166: 42-52. Menglong Xu, Haichao Yan, Quanjin He, Chen Wan, Tao Liu*, Ling Zhao, Chul Park*. Chain Extension of Polyamide 6 using Multifunctional Chain Extenders and Reactive Extrusion for Melt Foaming. Eur. Polym. J.(2017).doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.09.012 Chen, Z.; Sun, W.; Zhao, L., High-Temperature and High-Pressure Pyrolysis of Hexadecane: Molecular Dynamic Simulation Based on Reactive Force Field (ReaxFF). J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121 (10), 2069-2078. Chen, Z.; Zhao, P.; Zhao, L.; Sun, W., Molecular Simulation of the Catalytic Cracking of Hexadecane on ZSM-5 Catalysts Based on Reactive Force Field (ReaxFF). Energy & Fuels 2017. accepted Bao, L.; Fang, S.; Hu, D.; Zhao, L.; Yuan, W.; Liu, T. *, Enhancement of the CO2 -philicity of poly(vinyl ester)s by end-group modification with branched chains. J. Supercrit. Fluid., 2017, 127, 129-136. Fang, Yu-Wei, Bao Jin-Biao*, Yan Hai-Kuo, Sun Wei , Zhao Ling*, Hu Guo-Hua, Preparation of open-cell foams from polymer blends by supercritical CO2 and their efficient oil-absorbing performance. AICHE Journal,2016, 62(12): 4182-4185 Weizhen Sun, Xiangsu Zhai, Ling Zhao*. Synthesis of ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 nanocrystals with well-controllable size distribution through reverse microemulsions. Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 289, 59-64. Tang Hao, Zong Yuan, Zhao Ling*, Numerical simulation of micromixing effect on the reactive flow in a co-rotating twin screw extruder. Chinese J. Chem. Eng.,2016, 24(9): 1135-1146 Bi Fenglei,Shao Jianqiang,Xi Zhenhao,Zhao Ling*,Liu Di,Synthesis and characterization of copolymers of poly(m-xylylene adipamide) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) oligomers by melt copolycondensation. Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 2016, 24(9): 1290-1297 Zhenhao Xi, Jie Chen, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*, Lih-Sheng Turng. Experiment and simulation of foaming injection molding of polypropylene/nano-calcium carbonate composites by supercritical carbon dioxide. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2016, 24(1): 180-189. Jianping Shang, Weizhen Sun*, Ling Zhao, Wei-Kang Yuan. Modeling of CO2-assisted liquid phase oxidation of para-xylene catalyzed by transition metals/bromide. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2015, 127: 52-59. Weizhen Sun, Jianhai Sun, Zhimei Xu, Ling Zhao*. Experimental study and modeling of homogenous catalytic oxidation of m-Xylene to isophthalic acid. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54: 3293-3298. Dongdong Hu, Shaojun Sun, Peiqing Yuan, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*. Exploration of CO2-Philicity of Poly(vinyl acetate-co-alkyl vinyl ether) through Molecular Modeling and Dissolution Behavior Measurement. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119(38): 12490-12501. Dongdong Hu, Shaojun Sun, Peiqing Yuan, Ling Zhao, Tao Liu*. Evaluation of CO2-philicity of poly(vinyl acetate) and Poly(vinyl acetate- alt -maleate) copolymers through molecular modeling and dissolution behavior measurement. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119(7):3194-3204 Jianping Shang, Weizhen Sun*, Ling Zhao, Wei-Kang Yuan. Liquid phase oxidation of alkyl aromatics at low oxygen partial pressures. Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 278, 553-540. Tian Xia, Zhenhao Xi, Xuefeng Yi, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*. Melt foamability of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/clay nanocomposites prepared by extrusion blending in the presence of pyromellitic dianhydride Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54(27): 6922-6931. Xu, Yang; Liu, Tao; Yuan, Weikang; Zhao, Ling *. Influence of microphase morphology and long-range ordering on foaming behavior of PE-b-PEO diblock copolymers. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54(28): 7113-7121. Tian Xia, Zhenhao Xi, Tao Liu, Xun Pan, Chaoyang Fan, Ling Zhao*. Melt foamability of reactive extrusion-modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) with pyromellitic dianhydride using supercritical carbon dioxide as blowing agent. Polym. Eng. Sci., 2015,55(7): 1528-1535. Dongdong Hu, Jie Chen, Shaojun Sun, Tao Liu* and Ling Zhao. Solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in isotactic polypropylene/nanomontmorillonite composites in melt and solid States. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 2673-2683 Tian Xia, Ye Feng, Yunlong Zhang, Zhenhao Xi, Tao Liu, and Ling Zhao*. Novel strategy for polycondensation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) assisted by supercritical carbon dioxide. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 18194−18201 Shaojun Sun, Dongdong Hu, Jie Chen, Tao Liu* and Ling Zhao. Effects of carbon nanofiber on the dissolution and diffusion of CO2 in polypropylene nanocomposites. J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2014, 94:252–260 Weizhen Sun, Yi Shi, Jie Chen, Zhenhao Xi, and Ling Zhao*. Alkylation kinetics of isobutane by C4 olefins using sulfuric acid as catalyst. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2013, 52:15262-25269 Chen Jie, Liu Tao, Zhao Ling*, Yuan Wei-kang. Experimental measurements and modeling of solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in polypropylene/Micro- and Nanocalcium carbonate composites. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 1023, 52(14):5100-5110. Zhong Hua; Xi Zhenhao; Liu Tao; Xu Zhimei; Zhao Ling*. Integrated process of supercritical CO2-assisted melt polycondensation modification and foaming of poly(ethylene terephthalate) . J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2013, 74: 70-79 J. Chen, T. Liu, L. Zhao*, W.K. Yuan. Solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in polypropylene/Micro-calcium carbonate composites, J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2013, 177:33-43. D.Ch. Li, T. Liu, Ling Zhao, W.K. Yuan. Controlling Sandwich-Structure of PET Microcellular Foams Using Coupling of CO2 Diffusion and Induced Crystallization. AIChE J., 2012, 58, 2512-2523. J.B. Bao, T. Liu, L. Zhao*, D. Barth, G.H. Hu. Supercritical carbon dioxide induced foaming of highly oriented isotactic polypropylene. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50, 13387-13395. L. Li, T. Liu, L. Zhao*. Direct Fabrication of Porous Isotactic Poly-1-Butene with Form I From the Melt Using CO2. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2011, 32, 1834-1838; Lei Li, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao* and Wei-kang Yuan. CO2-Induced Phase Transition of Isotactic Poly-1-butene with Form III upon Heating. Macromolecules,2011, 44:4836–4844; Lei Li, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*, Wei-kang Yuan. CO2-induced polymorphous phase transition of isotactic poly-1-butene with form III upon annealing. Polymer, 2011, 52(15): 3488-3495; Lei Li, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*. Direct melt-crystallization of isotactic poly-1-butene with form I′ using high-pressure CO2. Polymer, 2011, 52(24): 5659-5668; J.B. Bao, T. Liu, L. Zhao*, G.H. Hu. Carbon Dioxide Induced Crystallization for Toughening Polypropylene. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2011, 50, 9632-9641; Weizhen Sun, Ling Zhao*. Simulation of Secondary Oxidation of p-Xylene in Liquid Phase. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , 2011,50: 2548–2553, 2011; Da-chao Li, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao,* Xiao-song Lian, and Wei-kang Yuan. Foaming of Poly(lactic acid) Based on Its onisothermal Crystallization Behavior under Compressed Carbon Dioxide,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011,50:1997–2007; D.Ch. Li, T. Liu*, L. Zhao*, W.K. Yuan. Foaming of linear isotactic polypropylene base on its non-isothermal crystallization behaviors under compressed CO2. J. Supercritical Fluids, 2011, 60, 89-97. Jin-Biao Bao, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao*and Guo-Hua Hu. A two-step depressurization batch process for the formation of bi-modal cell structure polystyrene foams using scCO2, J. Supercritical Fluids, 2011,55(3): 1104-1114; Dachao Li, Liu Tao, Ling zhao* and Yuan W. K., Solubility and diffusivity of carbon dioxide in solid state isotactic polypropolene by the pressure-decay method. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48(15), 7117-7124; Tong G. S., Liu T., Zhao L*,Hu.L.X. and Yuan W. K., Supercritical carbon dioxide assisted preparation of polypropylene grafted acrylic acid with high grafted content and small gel percent. J. Supercritical Fluids, 2009,48(3), 261-268, Lei Li, Tao Liu, Ling Zhao* and Wei-kang Yuan CO2-Induced Crystal Phase Transition from Form II to I in Isotactic Poly-1-butene, Macromolecules, 2009,42(6):2286–2290; Xiu-Lei Jiang, Tao Liu, Zhi-Mei Xu, Ling Zhao*, Guo-Hua Hu, Wei-Kang Yuan, Effects of crystal structure on the foaming of isotactiic polypropylene using supercritical carbon dioxide as a foaming agent. J. Supercritical Fluids, 2009,48(2), 267-17
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