
宗原, 副研究员。研究方向为基于计算流体力学的化工反应器传递现象研究、反应器设计及工程化开发;复杂流动的微尺度及介观物理模型和数值方法;材料加工过程中传递现象研究。近年来负责1项国家自然科学基金,2项教育部中央高校基本科研业务费探索研究基金项目,并承担企业委托项目5项,参与2项国家“973 计划”项目及1项国家科技重大专项。发表SCI论文14篇,发明专利3项。
教育与工作经历 2000年6月毕业于华东理工大学化工学院化学工程专业,获学士学位;2011年6月毕业于华东理工大学化工学院化学工程专业,获博士学位。2011年10月至2013年10月美国特拉华大学机械工程系访问学者。2013年至今,任职于华东理工大学化工学院化学工程联合反应国家重点实验室,副研究员。
学术荣誉/学术兼职 上海市力学学会会员
研究兴趣 主要研究方向是基于计算流体力学的化工传递过程研究,研究对象涉及高性能材料、能源、环境等领域中多相化工反应器内的传递过程。
青年科学基金项目:可控流场中纤维聚集态结构动力学演变过程的群体平衡模拟;国家自然科学基金委员会, 起止年月: 2015.1-2017.12;(主持) 中央高校基本科研业务费探索研究基金项目:基于多尺度模拟的CO2泡沫在多孔介质中动力学演变研究,起止年月: 2017.1-2018.12;(主持) 中央高校基本科研业务费探索研究基金项目:热塑性聚合物基复合材料预浸过程中动力学演变的群体平衡模拟;教育部基本科研业务费;起止年月: 2013.6-2015.12 聚合物材料的轻量化技术—超临界 流体发泡聚合物过程及发泡材料结构- 性能调控,国家科技重大专项(2016YFB0302200),科技部,起止年月:2016.7-2020.12;(参与) 非均相高活性缩聚反应动力学及连续制备过程的分子链结构控制,国家“973 计划”项目子课题(2011CB606101),科技部,起止年月2011.1-2015.12;(参与) 化工过程物质与能量高效利用的集成优化基础研究,国家“973 计划”项目子课题(2012CB720501),科技部,起止年月:2012.1-2017.12;(参与)
Dehong Bai, Yuan Zong*, Minmin Zhou, Ling Zhao, Novel cracking coil design based on positive constructing of synergetic flowing field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.129, Pages 783-792, 2019 Yuan Zong, Dehong Bai, Minmin Zhou, Ling Zhao, Numerical Studies on Heat Transfer Enhancement by Hollow-Cross Disk for Cracking Coils, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2018.11.007 Minmin Zhou , Dehong Bai ,Yuan Zong* , Ling Zhao , JN Thornock, Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Reactive Mixing in a Novel Coaxial Jet Static Mixer, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2017, 122, 190-203 Yuan Zong*, Hao Tang, Ling Zhao, 3-D Numerical Simulations for Polycondensation of Poly-phenylene Terephthalamide (PPTA) in Twin Screw Extruder,Polymer Engineering & Science, 2017, DOI 10.1002/pen.24506 Yuan Zong, Cheng Peng, Zhaoli Guo, Lianping Wang.Design correct fluid hydrodynamics on a rectangular grid using MRT Lattice Boltzmann Approach.Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2016,72(2):288-310. Yuan Zong, Cheng Peng, Zhaoli Guo, Lianping Wang*, Design correct fluid hydrodynamics on a rectangular grid using MRT Lattice Boltzmann Approach, Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2016, 72, 288-310 Hao Tang, Yuan Zong, Ling Zhao*, Numerical simulation of micromixing effect on the reactive flow in a co-rotating twin screw extruder, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016 , 24 (9) :1135-1146 Hao Tang, Yuan Zong, Zhenhao Xi, Ling Zhao*,Numerical simulation of reactive extrusion for polycondensation of poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA), Macromolecular Synposia, 2012,333(1): 305-312 Yuan Zong, Xiaogang Yang, Xiaogang, Gance Dai*, Design simulation of glass fiber loaded flow in an internally spout-fluid bed for processing of thermoplastic composites I. Flow Characterization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50, 9181-9196 柏德鸿,宗原*,赵玲,基于CFD的强化裂解炉管设计,化工学报,2017,68(2),660-666 宗原,孙斌,戴干策*,轻质热塑型复合片材浸渍过程中格子Botlzmann方法模拟,化工学报,2011,62(12), 3545-3553 唐豪 , 宗原 , 赵玲*,聚氨酯反应挤出过程的数值模拟,华东理工大学学报, 2016, 42(3) :301-307 丁杨,宗原,赵玲*,固液两相体系中双层搅拌桨叶的结构优化数值模拟,2015,41(6): 750-757
Yuan Zong, Zhaoli Guo, Lianping Wang, Towards constructing a correct hydrodynamics model from MRT LBM on a rectangular grid, 2014 11th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science, Oral, 2014.7, New York, USA Yuan Zong, Xiaogang Yang, Gance Dai, Large-eddy simulation of fiber loaded turbulent flow, 2012 Asia-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Oral, 2012.2, Singapore Yuan Zong, Xiaogang Yang, Ling Zhao, Numerical investigation of flow characteristics and heat transfer in cracking tube fitted with hollow cross-over disk, 2012 AICHE annual meeting, Oral, 2012.11, Pittsburg, USA Yuan Zong, Xiaogang Yang, Ling Zhao, Gance Dai, Effect of flow field of an internally spout-fluid bed on dispersion of glass fiber for thermoplastic composites manufacture, 2012 AICHE annual meeting, Poster, 2012.11, Pittsburg, USA
宗原、赵玲、柏德鸿、刘兆彦,一种乙烯裂解炉用热交换管,CN201610033666.6,2016.01.19 宗原、赵玲、柏德鸿、刘兆彦,一种乙烯裂解炉用传热强化热交换管,201610189959.3 赵玲、宗原、唐豪、王晓强, 一种用于反应挤出过程的双螺杆挤出机虚拟设计平台, 201610572624.x 戴干策、邓斌、喻江、宗原等,一种用于不同粘度吸收剂中气体解吸过程的圆盘反应器, ZL 2015 1 0209741.5
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