钱锋 中国工程院院士 
Prof. Qian was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2015. He also serves as a Vice President, the director of the Key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Optimization for Chemical Processes, Ministry of Education, Shanghai, and the Director of the Process System Engineering (PSE) Research Center, Ministry of Education, Shanghai in ECUST. Prof. Qian is a principal investigator of State Key Development Program of Fundamental Research of China (973 Project), a member of appraisal group of Control Science and Engineering of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in China, a vice chairman of China National Association for Automation in Petroleum and Chemical Industry.
Prof. Qian has been dedicated to the research of fundamental theory and key technology of intelligent regulation and real-time integrated optimization for system operation behavior, in order to utilize the material and energy with high efficiency for chemical process. His innovative research results have been successfully applied to more than 20 sets of large-scale petrochemical industrial plants, which acquires significant economic and social benefits. He has published 3 books and more than 270 papers indexed by SCI/EI in both domestic and foreign academic journals. He was authorized 36 national invention patents and registered over 60 Computer Software Copyright.
科技奖励 国家科技进步奖二等奖,大型精对苯二甲酸装置节能降耗的优化运行技术,2011,排名第一 国家科技进步奖二等奖,大型乙烯装置优化运行技术与工业应用,2009,排名第二 国家科技进步奖二等奖,大型精对苯二甲酸生产过程智能建模、控制与优化技术,2005,排名第一 国家科技进步奖二等奖,乙烯生产过程基于神经网络的软测量和智能控制技术,2002,排名第一
承担的主要项目 国家重点研发计划项目课题,2016YFB0303400,原料均一化技术及制粉过程智能优化控制, 2016/07-2020/06,项目负责人。 国家自然科学基金重点项目,61333010,面向工程系统运行优化的建模方法和关键技术,2014/1-2018/12,项目负责人。 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,炼油装置短期最优操作运行研究,2018/1-2022/12,项目负责人。 973计划项目,2012CB720500,化工过程物质与能量高效利用的集成优化基础研究,2012/1-2016/12,项目负责人。 国家自然科学基金重点项目,U1162202,复杂化工过程资源高效利用的系统优化方法与关键技术,2012/1-2015/12,项目负责人。 中国石油天然气股份公司吉林分公司,2011-12927,大型乙烯装置节能降耗的优化运行技术开发,2011/12-2014/12,项目负责人。 中国石化金陵石化,汽油管道调和在线控制优化系统,2011/10-2014/12,项目负责人。
近期代表性论文 Min Wei, Feng Qian*, Wenli Du, Jun Hub, Meihong Wang*, Xiaobo Luo, Minglei Yang. Study on the integration of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit in Refinery with Solvent-based Carbon Capture through Process Simulation. Fuel. 2018, 219: 364-374. Xiaoqiang Wang, Vladimir Mahalec*, Feng Qian*, Globally optimal nonlinear model predictive control based on multi-parametric disaggregation. Journal of Process Control. 2017, 52 :1-13. Simulation of the evaporation tube banks in the convection section of a steam cracking furnace using an evaporation model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2017, 56(38):10813-10825. Xiaoqiang Wang, Vladimir Mahalec*, Feng Qian*. Globally optimal dynamic real time optimization without model mismatch between optimization and control layer. Computers & Chemical Engineering.2017, 104:64-75 Guihua Hu, Benfeng Yuan, Liang Zhang, JinlongLi, Wenli Du, Feng Qian*. Coupled simulation of convection section with dual stage steam feed mixing of an industrial ethylene cracking furnace. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 286: 436-446 M. Wei, M. Yang*, F. Qian*, W. Du, W. Zhong. Integrated Dual-Production Mode Modeling and Multi-objective Optimization of an Industrial Continuous Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Process[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55: 5714-5725. Zhi Li, Weimin Zhong*, Xiaoqiang Wang, Na Luo, Feng Qian*. Control structure design of an industrial crude terephthalic acid hydropurification process with catalyst deactivation. Computers & Chemical Engineering.2016, 88:1-12 Yu Zhang, Feng Qian*, Yu Zhang, Carl M. Schietekat, Kevin M. Van Geem, and Guy B. Marin. Impact of Flue Gas Radiative Properties and Burner Geometry in Furnace Simulations. AIChE Journal. 2015. 61(3): 936-954. Yangkun Jin, Jinlong Li*, Wenli Du, Feng Qian*. Integrated operation and cyclic scheduling optimization for an ethylene cracking furnaces system. Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015, 54(15):3844-3854. Zhou Tian, Ke-Ran Chen, Bo-Ping Liu, Na Luo, Wen-Li Du, Feng Qian*. Short-chain branching distribution oriented model development for Borstar bimodal polyethylene process and its correlation with product performance of slow crack growth. Chemical Engineering Science. 2015, 130:41-55 Kaixun He, Feng Qian*, Hui Cheng*, Wenli Du, A novel adaptive algorithm with near-infrared spectroscopy and its application in online gasoline blending processes. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2015, 140(C):117-125. Yangkun Jin, Jinlong Li*, Wenli Du, Feng Qian*. Multi-Objective Optimization of Pseudo-Dynamic Operation of Naphtha Pyrolysis by a Surrogate Model. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 2015, 38(5):900–906 Zeqiu Li, Wenli Du, Liang Zhao*, Feng Qian*. Modeling and Optimization of a Steam System in a Chemical Plant Containing Multiple Direct Drive Steam Turbines. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53:11021-11032 Feng Qian*, Lili Tao, Weizhen Sun, Wenli Du. Development of a Free Radical Kinetic Model for Industrial Oxidation of p-Xylene Based on Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive Immune Genetic Algorithm. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (8): 3229–3237. Kaixun He, Hui Cheng*,Wenli Du, Feng Qian*. Online updating of NIR model and its industrial application via adaptive wavelength selection and local regression strategy. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2014, 134: 79-88 Xiangdong Kong, Weimin Zhong, Wenli Du, Feng Qian*. Compartment Modeling of Coal Gasification in an Entrained Flow Gasifier: A Study on the Influence of Operating Conditions. Energy conversion and management. 2014, 82:202-211 Feng Qian*, Fan Sun, Wenli Du, Weimin Zhong*. Novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm for dynamic optimization problems and its application in an ethylene oxide hydration reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (49): 15974–15985. Feng Qian*, Xiangdong Kong, Hui Cheng, Wenli Du, Weimin Zhong. Development of a Kinetic Model for Industrial Entrained Flow Coal Gasifier. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(5): 1819-1828. Feng Qian*, Wei-Min Zhong, Wen-Li Du. Fundamental Theories and Key Technologies for Smart and Optimal Manufacturing in the Process Industry. Engineering. 2017, 3 (2) :154-160. Chen Li, M.A.AShoukat Choudhury, BiaoHuang*, Feng Qian*. Frequency Analysis and Compensation of Valve Stiction in Cascade Control Loops. Journal of Process Control.2014,24(11):1747-1760
网页发布时间: 2018-12-05